Rockleigh School Restoration

Rockleigh School Restoration Project

Rockleigh School restoration project

Mid-Murray Council had been in discussion with the community with regard to the preservation of the Rockleigh School. This premise is listed on the Kidman Trail as a stop-over, and it had been proposed that the building be demolished and replaced with a timber-framed shed. A proposal was prepared on behalf of the Mount Pleasant Mens Shed Inc. by Chris Payne, a conservator who has an avid interest in the restoration of old buildings. As a result of further discussion between Mid-Murray Council and the Mount Pleasant Men''s Shed, the group were employed to carry out the works necessary to preserve the building and make it secure, and suitable, once more, for use as a stop-over.

The work included the felling of a dead tree, and tidy up of others, the removal and replacement of gutters. Re-roofing of the building. The building of a verandah and rebuilding of a porch wall. Replacement of windows, repair and replastering of walls, and replacement of timber flooring.

Many hands make light work, and this project has been of interest to many of the members. Consequently progress happened at a rapid rate.

Two days of busy work meant the replacement of the roof and gutter, and painting of the barge boards and other timber which needing weather protection for future work. Drainage around the building caused many of the problems to the walls, so this was changed, with fill being put in place and water being directed away from the building itself. A wall on the verandah was also pushed up into its correct position. Cracks in the walls were repaired with lime mortar.

All in all a project of some worth... and with thanks to Mid Murray Council for having the courage to change their original decision to bulldoze all but the rear wall.lls 234567